Hill Street Blues Season One Rewatch: Episode 6, “Film at Eleven”

vlcsnap-2016-02-21-06h40m56s248Season One, Episode Six: “Film at Eleven”

written by Anthony Yerkovich
directed by Georg Stanford Brown
original airdate: Thursday, February 5, 1981

Previously on Hill Street Blues…”

Roll Call: Item 9 involves a guy biting prostitutes on the neck, on the street in broad daylight. Item 10, the theft of a llama from the zoo. As Phil amuses the unit with this, we see a camera crew in the squad room. Finally, the dreaded edict from Divisional Commander Swanson, who’s angry about “the mortality rate” of vending machines in the station house. On the way out, Hingle mugs for the camera, wanting to talk about his need for Preparation H, and Renko serenades the camera crew. We also catch our first glimpse of Santini, who’s taking over for the departed Fuentes as Harris’s partner. And amazingly, that’s really all we get before we roll credits.

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Hill Street Blues Season One Rewatch: Episode 5, “Double Jeopardy”


Season One, Episode Five: “Double Jeopardy” (or “Dressed to Kill”)

written by Michael Kozoll & Steven Bochco
directed by Robert Butler
original airdate: Thursday, January 29, 1981

Previously on Hill Street Blues…”

Roll Call: Item 9: The Hasidic Protection League is up in arms over vandalism at a Jewish community center. Since they haven’t been mentioned by name yet, your first inclination is to think this is sort of like the Anti-Defamation League… but as Phil subtly exposits, they’re actually the Jewish street gang. Item 10 comes down from Commander Swanson: get rid of the dog, or else. Finally, Operation Duckling, which Phil really wishes he could be a part of, and we will very shortly begin to wonder about Phil’s, um, proclivities. For the first time, we go straight to credits from roll call.

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Hill Street Blues Season One Rewatch: Episode 4, “Can World War III Be an Attitude?”

vlcsnap-2016-01-23-08h26m37s16Season One, Episode Four:”Can World War III Be an Attitude?”

written by Michael Kozoll & Steven Bochco
directed by Robert Butler
original airdate: Saturday, January 24, 1981

Previously on Hill Street Blues…”

Roll Call: Item 12: Phil is mad. Like, schoolteacher with an unruly class mad. After regaining everyone’s attention, the rapists at Saint James Park are still a problem. He assigns a couple more pairs of patrolmen to the park, and then orders everyone to get themselves into presentable condition for the President’s visit before dismissing the rowdy crew. We follow Hill and Renko as they banter, and then roll credits.
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Hill Street Blues Season One Rewatch: Episode 3, “Politics as Usual”

vlcsnap-2016-01-22-04h45m59s246Season One, Episode Three:”Politics as Usual”

written by Michael Kozoll & Steven Bochco
directed by Robert Butler
original airdate: Thursday, January 22, 1981

Previously on Hill Street Blues

Roll Call: Phil’s again not at the lectern, and I’m starting to think my statement in episode one that this was abnormal is just misremembering. Item 11: all days off and vacation days are cancelled, due to manpower requirements caused by the Presidential visit. Item 12 regards graffiti in the precinct restrooms; while Phil would like it to stop, he’s far more concerned with the fact that the responsible parties can’t spell properly. Everyone is mirthful… except Hill and Renko. The final item is bad: the two perps Belker arrested last episode were not, in fact, the rapists. After roll call, Hill and Renko collar Phil to complain about the fact that they’re not divorced yet; Phil says he’ll do what he can, but subtly reminds them doing their job as police is more important than their personal beef. The pair exit, bickering, and the credits roll.
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Hill Street Blues Season One Rewatch: Episode 2, “Presidential Fever”

vlcsnap-2016-01-19-21h16m11s171Season One, Episode Two:”Presidential Fever”

written by Michael Kozoll & Steven Bochco
directed by Robert Butler
original airdate: Saturday, January 17, 1981

Previously on Hill Street Blues

Roll Call: Item 17 instructs the precinct to cease the practice of male officers performing body searches on women suspects, followed the the last item: rapes at Saint James Park, which will be a short-term plotline. Cut to the men’s room, where Furillo enters to shave and Hunter is trapped in a bathroom stall. He self-extricates, then expresses his feelings on hygiene, bureaucracy, and what women police should be doing. He’s frustrated that Furillo sends memos rather than just fixing things. It’s a critical scene to build Hunter’s character which we’ll touch on later. When the sink overflows after Frank leaves, Hunter beats a retreat. Roll credits.
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