If you’re new, or have forgotten, I hold off on my weekly recaps until the polls come out, so expect those to start rolling out tomorrow.

In the meantime, some site-related begging.  (Not for money, relax.)

If you’re following the site — and I know people are, because I’m getting plenty of hits from legitimate redirects — sign up and let me know.  The only reason I require registration is to stave off spam, and I figure almost every legitimate reader of this blog already “knows” me anyway.  Rest assured I have no intention whatsoever of using any registration information to bother you.  Unless you’re behaving badly or something; I’m one of those who prefer to ask you privately to knock it off.

Along with that, one thing I want to do in keeping with my overall charter here is to actually service the folks reading.  If you’re really a sidewalk or post-grad fan of a D-I team who went to a lower division school, tell me.  If you’re a sidewalk fan OF a lower-division school just because you think they’re nifty, tell me.  Having some schools that we follow a little more closely here might make things more… community like.

And so would comments.  And trash talk.

Finally, if you’ve got any ideas at all that would make things more interesting, pass them along.