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COUNTIES (Nebraska)

Adams	 	Hastings		not yet		none			6 34 281
Antelope	Neligh			not yet		none			20 275
Arthur		Arthur			not yet		none			none
Banner		Harrisburg		not yet		none			none
Blaine		Brewster		not yet		none			none
Boone		Albion			not yet		none			none
Box Butte	Alliance		not yet		none			385
Boyd		Butte			not yet		none			281
Brown		Ainsworth		not yet		none			20 183
Buffalo		Kearney			   1988		80			30 183
Burt		Tekamah			not yet		none			75 77
Butler		David City		not yet		none			81 (northbound)
Cass		Plattsmouth		   1988		80			6 34 75
Cedar		Hartington		not yet		none			20 81
Chase		Imperial		not yet		none			6
Cherry		Valentine		not yet		none			20 83
Cheyenne	Sidney			   1988		80			30 385
Clay		Clay Center		not yet		none			6
Colfax		Schuyler		not yet		none			30
Cuming		West Point		not yet		none			275
Custer		Broken Bow		not yet		none			183
Dakota		Dakota City		not yet		129			20 75 77
Dawes		Chadron			not yet		none			20 385
Dawson		Lexington		   1988		80			30 283
Deuel		Chappell		   1988		76 80			30 138 385
Dixon		Ponca			not yet		none			20
Dodge		Fremont			not yet		none			30 77 275
Douglas		Omaha			not yet		80 480 680		6 75 275
Dundy		Benkelman		not yet		none			34
Fillmore	Geneva			not yet		none			6 81
Franklin	Franklin		not yet		none			136
Frontier	Stockville		not yet		none			83
Furnas		Beaver City		not yet		none			6 283
Gage		Beatrice		not yet		none			77 136
Garden		Oshkosh			not yet		none			26
Garfield	Burwell			not yet		none			none
Gosper		Elwood			not yet		none			283
Grant		Hyannis			not yet		none			none
Greeley		Greeley			not yet		none			281
Hall		Grand Island		   1988		80			30 34 281
Hamilton	Aurora			   1988		80			34
Harlan		Alma			not yet		none			34 136 183
Hayes		Hayes Center		not yet		none			6
Hitchcock	Trenton			not yet		none			6 34
Holt		O’Neill			not yet		none			20 275 281
Hooker		Mullen			not yet		none			none
Howard		Saint Paul		not yet		none			281
Jefferson	Fairbury		not yet		none			136
Johnson		Tecumseh		not yet		none			136
Kearney		Minden			not yet		none			6 134
Keith		Ogallala		   1988		80			26 30
Keya Paha	Springview		not yet		none			183
Kimball		Kimball			   1988		80			30
Knox		Center			not yet		none			none
Lancaster	LINCOLN			   1988		80 180			6 34 77
Lincoln		North Platte		   1988		80			30 83
Logan		Stapleton		not yet		none			83
Loup		Taylor			not yet		none			183
Madison		Madison			not yet		none			81 275
McPherson	Tryon			not yet		none			none
Merrick		Central City		not yet		none			30
Morrill		Bridgeport		not yet		none			26 385
Nance		Fullerton		not yet		none			none
Nemaha		Auburn			not yet		none			75 136
Nuckolls	Nelson			not yet		none			136
Otoe		Nebraska City		   1988		none			75
Pawnee		Pawnee City		not yet		none			none
Perkins		Grant			not yet		none			none
Phelps		Holdrege		not yet		none			6 34 183
Pierce		Pierce			not yet		none			20 81
Platte		Columbus		not yet		none			30 81
Polk		Osceola			not yet		none			81
Red Willow	McCook			not yet		none			6 34 83
Richardson	Falls City		not yet		none			73 75 159
Rock		Bassett			not yet		none			20 183
Saline		Wilber			not yet		none			6
Sarpy		Papillion		not yet		80			6 75
Saunders	Wahoo			not yet		none			77
Scotts Bluff	Gering			not yet		none			26
Seward		Seward			   1988		80			6 34
Sheridan	Rushville		not yet		none			20
Sherman		Loup City		not yet		none			none
Sioux		Harrison		not yet		none			20
Stanton		Stanton			not yet		none			275
Thayer		Hebron			not yet		none			81 136
Thomas		Thedford		not yet		none			83
Thurston	Pender			not yet		none			75 77
Valley		Ord			not yet		none			none
Washington	Blair			not yet		none			30 75
Wayne		Wayne			not yet		none			none
Webster		Red Cloud		not yet		none			136 281
Wheeler		Bartlett		not yet		none			281
York		York			   1988		80			34 81
TOTAL: (14/93, 15.1%)					76 80 129		6 20 26 30 34 73 75
							180 480 680		77 81 83 136 138 159
										183 275 281 283 385
Progress toward state route completion:
  • I-76: intersected eastern terminus at I-80 exit 102 near Julesburg CO (0 out of 1 mile)
  • I-80: from Wyoming state line near Bushnell to exit 297 (US 77) in Lincoln (297 out of 455 miles)
  • I-129: (0 out of 3 miles)
  • I-180: intersected southern terminus at US 6/34 in downtown Lincoln (0 out of 3 miles)
  • I-480: (0 out of 4 miles)
  • I-680: (0 out of 13 miles)
  • US 6: from US 77 in Lincoln to US 34 in Lincoln (2 out of 373 miles)
  • US 20: (0 out of 432 miles)
  • US 26: intersected eastern terminus at I-80 exit 126 in Ogallala (0 out of 151 miles)
  • US 30: (0 out of 452 miles)
  • US 34: from US 6 in Lincoln to US 75 in Union (42 out of 383 miles)
  • US 73: (0 out of 22 miles)
  • US 75: from NE-2 south of Nebraska City to US 34 in Union (14 out of 188 miles)
  • US 77: from US 6 in Lincoln to I-80 exit 397 in Lincoln (1 out of 189 miles)
  • US 81: (0 out of 216 miles)
  • US 83: from I-80 exit 177 near North Platte to US 30 in North Platte (2 out of 222 miles)
  • US 136: (0 out of 240 miles)
  • US 138: (0 out of 11 miles)
  • US 159: (0 out of 14 miles)
  • US 183: (0 out of 226 miles)
  • US 275: (0 out of 191 miles)
  • US 281: (0 out of 223 miles)
  • US 283: (0 out of 58 miles)
  • US 385: (0 out of 180 miles)
Also, I have driven significant segments of the following Nebraska state routes:
  • NE-2: intersected eastern break at US 77 in Lincoln, from US 75 west of Nebraska City to eastern terminus at Iowa state line near Nebraska City
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