DISTRICT DISTRICT SEAT VISITED INTERSTATES US HIGHWAYS Aleutians East Unalaska not yet none none Aleutians West Attu not yet none none Anchorage ANCHORAGE not yet A1 A3 none Bethel Bethel not yet none none Bristol Bay King Salmon not yet none none Denali Cantwell not yet A4 none Dillingham Dillingham not yet none none Fairbanks-North Star Fairbanks not yet A2 A4 none Haines Haines not yet none none Juneau Juneau not yet none none Kenai Peninsula Homer not yet A3 none Ketchikan Gateway Ketchikan not yet none none Kodiak Island Kodiak not yet none none Lake and Peninsula Igiugig not yet none none Matanuska-Susitna Palmer not yet A1 A4 none Nome Nome not yet none none North Slope Deadhorse not yet none none Northwest Arctic Kotzebue not yet none none Prince of Wales- Outer Ketchikan Craig not yet none none Sitka Sitka not yet none none Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Skagway not yet none none Southeast Fairbanks Tok not yet A1 A2 none Valdez-Cordova Valdez not yet A1 none Wade-Hampton Fortuna Ledge not yet none none Wrangell-Petersburg Petersburg not yet none none Yakutat Yakutat not yet none none Yukon-Koyukuk Livengood not yet A4 none ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: (0/27, 0.0%) Temporary back "button" until I update the sidebar |