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lyrics: J. Morse © 1986

A silent step into the shade
Dancing upon the decay of darkened doors
Visions never seemed so strange
Floating over flattened flaming floors
   And I see the ghosts of familiar eyes
   Gasping out unconquerable sighs
   With different features, I'm so afraid to ask
   Same souls, each face retains a masque
If I ever saw the sails
Of shining ships sheltered on sparkling shores
It never registered in my mind
Rained out by reverberating wrenching roars
   And I see the ghosts of familiar faces
   Shrouded within unfamiliar places
   With different buildings, I'm too afraid to ask
   Same hearts, each face retains a masque
Undermine my solitude
Negate my nests of gnawing nightly nerves
That center around a multitude
Of corners, cars, collisions, crashes and curves
   And though I can't recall the night
   I'm hovering, frozen, above the swinging light
   Under which half my world came to die
   Because I was trapped within a single lie
   Their faces twisted, please don't ask
   Me why each face retains a masque
     And I hear the echoes of familiar cries
     Shouting out accusatory lies
     With different memories, I'm too afraid to ask
     Same lives, each face retains a masque