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lyrics: J. Morse © 1985

Screams. . . of agony
Personal profanity
There's too much pain for you
Back in the East
Masochism was never his release
   If daddy's friends wouldn't find you
   Would you take advice from me?
   My friend, I hope you're of the same mind
   Which highway will it be?
Crying. . . insanity
Ruthless in infamy
Walls of cities closing in
Choking the life from you
Sadistic behemoths surround you, it's true
   If Camelot were really so fair
   Why can't you place yourself there
   And defy the predetermined plan?
   If it stifles you here by the sea
   You should take some advice from me
   And go. . . go west, young man

Posting borders around your psyche
Haven't you learned yet
Like attracts to like
If you're of a different mind
Then maybe you need to unwind
   If Camelot were really so fair
   Why can't you place yourself there
   And defy the predetermined plan?
   If it stifles you here by the sea
   You should take some advice from me
   And go. . . go west, young man